Saturday, December 11, 2010

Adoption Slideshow

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I used to listen to this song "From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours" in High School alot and it always was very touching to me. Now I know why this song touched my heart so many years ago as I have adopted two beautiful boys.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Introducing Isaac Hunter Ala!

The papers are all signed and it's official! Please welcome Isaac Hunter Ala!! He was born Thursday December 2nd 2010 at 7:22pm. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 in. Of course I am biased but he is sooooo cute and sweet. :)

This adoption experience was so amazing and so smooth. Until you've been a party in adoption it is hard to understand how truly remarkable adoption is. Bekah will always hold such a special place in my heart for placing her baby in my arms. It is one of the most unselfish acts to witness next to the Savior's sacrifice.

We were so lucky to be in the delivery room and see his birth! I got to even cut the umbilical cord. Seeing and hearing his first breath was so cherished. His spirit is strong and I felt connected to him immediately.

After Isaac's birth we drove back to Dallas and came back Friday afternoon with Ryder. Bekah was so sweet to let us stay in her room all day Friday and Saturday. Owen and Ryder spent the night at Bekah's sister's house Friday night and I stayed overnight in the hospital with Bekah. It was a great time to get alone time with her and to talk. I love her the same as my little sisters and want the absolute best for her.

Bekah has 4 sisters, like me. They and her parents were all there for the entire experience and they were so fun, funny, and thoughtful of this experience. It gives me so much peace knowing she has so much support and such a wonderful family.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Arrived in Dallas

We left Albuquerque last night (Wednesday) and stayed over night in a "ho and tell" according to Ryder. He was very excited to stay in the hotel! He got all dressed all by himself in his swim trunks this morning but the pool didn't open till later. time Ryder. :) We then had a nice breakfast and drove 7 hours on a pretty boring and straight highway...and I mean flat and straight! We took some breaks and it really went faster than I thought it would. Scooby Doo definitely helped.

We are now at my cousins house in Dallas and Bekah is now in the hospital in Austin for "softening". They are planning on inducing her in the morning. Owen and I will leave for Austin early tomorrow morning and if all goes well this little boy will be born tomorrow! We are excited to see Bekah again and to meet this baby boy. Our plan is to be there for the delivery, stay for awhile, and then drive back to Austin for the evening so that Bekah can spend some alone time with the baby. Then we will return the next day and stay in a hotel in Austin until the placement.

Ryder is having a blast with my cousins boys. It is so nice to know he will be in good hands tomorrow while we are in Austin.

The thought of holding another baby in my arms is undescribable. I get tears in my eyes thinking about it and I am overwhelmed with grattitude. I know that if he belongs in our family Heavenly Father will make sure it happens. I have complete faith in His plan.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We won adoption survivor!

When we met Bekah, our birthmom, she said that she wanted the first e-mail that she sent us to say..."You won adoption survivor!!". She started out with 100 couples, all couples with dogs. So, thankgoodness for our big dog Simba. :) From there she narrowed it down to 5 couples and then had a sweet spiritual confirmation that her baby boy belonged in our family. She is very similar to Ryder's birthmom. She is beautiful, funny, sweet, thoughtful, and easy to be around. Her 4 year old daughter is SO cute! We fell in love with her instantly and also had the opportunity to meet the birthfather who on the outside looks "very tough" but is just a giant teddy bear. This baby could be big as she is 5' 7 and he is 6'0! We have another Ryder!!

Things seem very solid. She asked Ryder if he was excited to have a baby brother and Ryder said "Yes! Yay!! I'll take care of him...not my mom or dad." It was very sweet. Of course Ryder won everyone's hearts as he always does.

We are so fortunate to have a place to stay while in Texas. We could be there for at least a couple weeks until all the paperwork clears. My cousin lives in Dallas and has two boys that Ryder LOVES! Thank you Saunder family for letting us move in...I can't imagine the hotel bill we would have had to pay. This is a huge blessing for us.

Bekah is scheduled to be induced Dec.2nd. We are praying that this little boy can wait until then because it sure makes planning for everyone alot easier and there are already so many emotions involved in adoption that the more surprises (babies coming early) the more emotions there are. She is having family fly in for the birth and is a very planned person so I hope things will go as she wants and he comes Dec.2 which is 2 weeks away!

I have started shopping for baby items and am cleaning my house like crazy! Tomorrow my goal is to wash the baby clothes and start packing and getting our car ready to go.

I will try my best to keep everyone posted. My next post will let you all know we are heading out to Texas!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy 3 Month Birthday Baby Tyler

Today is Tyler's 3 month birthday. It is interesting how his memories come back around this time of the month. I hope he is doing well. I hope he is happy and loved and safe. Happy 3 months old sweet baby.

I am trying not to get to excited about this next potential adoption...but I find it hard not to get excited. We are flying out next weekend (Nov. 6) to meet her. She lives in Austin TX. Yes, I did say we would never adopt from Texas; however, it appears the laws are different than I thought. The birthfather can sign/relinquish his rights before the baby is born and he already has. The birthmother can sign 2 days after the baby is born. Then they take the two signatures and present them to a judge. Apparently you can get in with a judge the same day or after instead of DAYS like NM. Once the judge gives the okay it is final.

I do have complete faith that Heavenly Father's hand will be in this adoption. I know that if this baby is meant to be in our family then he will be and if not then I trust in Heavenly Father and have faith that things will be the way they should be.

Owen and I are working on our project of baby boy names. This will be our fourth time this year brainstorming baby boy names. I'm not sure why choosing a name is so difficult for us! I think part of it is the emotional part of choosing a name. When you brainstorm and come to a conclusion of a name, you automatically get attached to the baby. By waiting last minute to choose a name I think psychologically it's less time to get attached. I think it may be time to get a new name book!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

3 Weeks

Well, I am surprised that it has been almost 3 weeks since my last post. It is exciting in a way because it's proof that I am okay. Will I always remember Tyler...yes. But, I think about him less and less every day and I might be brave to say that I have let him go.

What has helped me to let him go? the biggest factor. When there is heartache truly time heals it. It just takes time. I have experienced heartache before and time was the cure and it is now. Time will never let you down!

Another factor...we've been corresponding with a new birthmom! Things are looking very positive. We are going to fly out to meet her in a few weeks. She is due in a month and a half! We have a good feeling about her but again my friend time will tell.

My sister was surprised that we are willing to try again so soon. I told her "Well...I don't think things could be much worse than Tyler's experience!" I do say this with a sense of humor because I think it's very true. We are not taking this baby boy home this time until it is official.

This new potential adoption is still very much can change in one day. But, for now it gives me a little something to look forward to! :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jewel - The Shape Of You

Just a side note...Jewel is from Owen's same city Soldotna, Alaska. She sang at my SIL's wedding. :)

Happy Second Month Birthday

Last week my sister and her twin girls came to visit us. It was so needed and felt great to be around her with her girls McKenna and Brianna. It was life the way it was before Tyler and I was amazed how 10 or even 30 minutes would go by without me thinking of Tyler. Every day is getting better but things natually remind me of him and I know with time I will get over this loss. Maybe not ever completely, but enough for me to continue living a happy life.

I'm very grateful for my sisters. My twin and I share a special bond. During her stay we each shared a tear or two. She is a remarkable example of living life with a postive attitude despite life's obstacles. Her twins were born early and are both special needs children. McKenna just started walking at age three. We are so proud of her! She is a very determined little girl. We don't know yet if she will ever be able to run, but it is truly a miracle that she is even walking. Brianna is nonverbal and has some major eye sight problems. My sister thinks she has a type of autism. She is so beautiful, sweet, and has such a special spirit. I was able to hold her and I felt her love and Heavenly Father's love so strong through her. It was like she was telling me "It will be okay Camille." We are very lucky to have those girls in our family. McKenna, Brianna, and Ryder have such a special relationship. Without a doubt I know they knew each other before coming to earth. The connection between them is so strong. They love each other SO much!

It was so sad when they left. Even Ryder was very sad. He told me he didn't want to live in New Mexico anymore and that he wanted to move to Utah.

When they left Tyler's memories came back strong again and particularly tonight as his second month birthday is tomorrow. I wonder if every birthday of Tyler's if Lisa won't remember us at the hospital taking care of all of Tyler's firsts. I was able to sleep with him at the hospital on his first night he was born. I wonder if mom's remember their delivery on their childrens birthday? I think of Darianne, Ryders birthmom all day long on Ryder's birthdays. It would seem that Lisa will always remember us on his birthday as we were there in the hospital so involved...but maybe not...who knows?

I do miss him tonight. Shortly after we lost Tyler I found a new song that Jewel wrote about loss. It reminds me of Tyler. I will try to post it next.

Luckily tomorrow we have a very busy day to keep my mind off him. Ryder has a pancake party at his preschool, I have a baby shower for my sweet friend who lost Bennett after he was born and her second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage (she is a true example that the sun will shine again), Ryder's friend has a birthday party, and Owen is the ortho surgeon for a hockey team tomorrow night so we will be watching some hockey and BYU Football, and I look forward to watching the general relief society broadcast after we get home. I love DVR, and BTW my favorite TV show is Modern Family. I highly recommend you start watching. We just received Season 1 from netflix and it is hilarious!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cousins bowling

Ryder's bowling stance

A butterfly about to be awakened

Fun at the park

They were not sure about this ride

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Tender Mercies of the Lord

I was so excited to find a video for this talk by Elder Bednar that was given in Conference April 2005. This was while we were living in NYC and I was truly deeply anguished by our infertility. These days were dark, dark days for me. Much, much, much more darker than this experience. Infertility, miscarriage, or failed adoptions can be unseen heartaches. These are unseen heartaches because they are so personal they are usually not shared during the events. This makes it worse because you feel so alone and it is a period in your life when you need great support.

Until we were officially approved to adopt through LDS Family Services not one of my close friends in NYC knew of my past heartache with infertility. Looking back I know we made the right decision in when to share our adoption plans with our friends.

I am glad I decided to share this failed placement because it has been so comforting to not have to experience this grief, though smaller, alone this time.

This talk changed my life while in NYC. Even in times of complete despair I have witnessed tender mercies from the Lord. I have many, many, and many tender mercies that I am so very thankful for.

Here is the youtube link in case it's to slow feeding in the blog.

Hannah's Hope

I am reading a book called "Hannah's Hope" by Jennifer Saake. It's about seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage, and Adoption Loss. So far it's been an excellent book.

The title of the book couldn't be more perfect. Hannah is a true inspirational character in the Bible that I have related to during times in my life. It's hard to live in today's times and want children but have to keep waiting. I can't imagine how troubling it was in Hannah's times to not be able to have children. You were considered nothing without children back then.

The author of the book shares some of her feelings with adoption loss and says it so perfectly...

"Probably the hardest part of adoption loss is not knowing how the lives of each of these children turned out. Each of the children we hoped to adopt had become "ours" in our hearts for a time. Yet we do not know where they are or how they are. This is difficult, but I believe I have an idea of God's reasoning for even these heartbreaks. He allowed these children to touch our lives, and He is now using us as PERSONAL PRAYER WARRIORS in their lives (as well as in the lives of the biological families involved). I may never know, this side of heaven, God's plans for these precious ones, but I can pray for them always. What a blessing to be used in this way!

How amazing it will be to one day see what part my prayers played in God's plans for the children who share my heart, though not my home."

I truly am thankful to know that no one can take away prayer from me. I can always pray for Tyler and Lisa anytime I want to. What peace that brings!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Times!!

Yesterday, Owen and Ryder left on a daddy/son and "guys trip" to the BYU/Airforce football game that is today. This is the BEST thing that Owen could do right now. Anyone that doesn't know Owen...he is an EXTREME BYU football fan! This trip is exactly what he needs right now. Airforce is good this year...I hope they win for Owen! GO COUGARS!!!

So, what is a wife to do with her husband and son gone for close to 48 hours??

I went to the spa...and didn't feel bad spending one penny of it!!! :) It was lovely and just what I needed.

I knew it would be great for Owen and Ryder to leave for a bit because I have some major bookkeeping and a corporate tax return to prepare, some serious cleaning to do, and a box full of mail/bills that I have neglected ever since we brought Tyler home. Even though this is suppose to be my "productive day" all I really want to do is...

1. Go shopping
2. Go sit by the pool at the gym and read (yes, I didn't say go to the gym to work out)
3. Go shopping

Don't get me wrong. Ryder is my WORLD. However, even grocery shopping without a 3 1/2 year old running around the store is peaceful and can become fun. :)

We'll see what happens today!? The pictures above are of Owen and Ryder and the boys before their trip to Colorado for the game. In the first picture Ryder is holding his "Tyler bear".

Children's Grieving

A week ago I was researching ways that children grieve a loss of a baby in their lives. Some of the things they said are the following:

1. Change in behavior
2. Change in eating
3. Naming something after the baby

So far, Ryder has displayed some behaviors. Whether they are new or not, I'm not certain. :) Even though Ryder had his "moments" of crying/whining I would admit that it has been ALOT of whining and crying lately. So, maybe this relates to his loss maybe it doesn't. I'm not totally sure.

The second change is their eating behavior. Thankfully there has been no change in this one. Usually one of Ryder's favorite things to do is eat! :)

My dear friends from my accounting program at BYU delivered the most beautiful flowers along with the cutest bear. Ryder and I opened it together and Ryder was very cute with the bear. He said "this bear is so cute" and has been sleeping with his bear and monkey for the last couple nights. Yesterday our conversation went as follows:

Ryder: "Mom, can you go get my baby?"

Me: "What and where is your baby?"

Ryder: "My little bear"

Me: "Oh the new little one...okay I'll go find it"

I bring it out to the car and we drive for some time.

Ryder: "Mom...can I name my bear Tyler?"

Me: "Yes, of course you can name your bear Tyler."

There it was! Then it really hit me that poor Ryder was and is grieving the loss of Tyler in his own way. Even though he still asks Owen to include Tyler in their nightly stories, he hasn't talked about Tyler lately so I thought he was almost forgetting. But, maybe he will always remember him just like me.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Are you an "Oak Tree"?

I came across this poem on this blog I know so many of you are "Oak Trees" because of your experiences in your life and are still standing strong. Thank you for your examples.
The Oak Tree
by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr.

A mighty wind blew night and day.
It stole the Oak Tree's leaves away.
Then snapped its boughs
and pulled its bark
until the Oak was tired and stark.

But still the Oak Tree held its ground
while other trees fell all around.
The weary wind gave up and spoke,
"How can you still be standing Oak?"

The Oak Tree said, I know that you
can break each branch of mine in two,
carry every leaf away,
shake my limbs and make me sway.

But I have roots stretched in the earth,
growing stronger since my birth.
You'll never touch them, for you see
they are the deepest part of me.

Until today, I wasn't sure
of just how much I could endure.
But now I've found with thanks to you,
I'm stronger than I ever knew.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Good Days and Bad Days

When people ask me how I am doing I think the most honest answer is "there are good days and bad days". Grieving a loss is a process and I know over time things will be okay. Today I really did feel that good things are coming, or there is something good coming. I hope my instincts are right.

I rewatched an FSA (Familes Supporting Adoption) lecture on failed placements. I watched it after baby Jackson from Ohio didn't come into our family. Watching it again I realized there was much I missed the first time because this time it was a much more significant loss.

A couple of things the speaker pointed out was the following:

1. Adoption loss is very similar to an infant death. The adoptive parents experience the same type of feelings.

2. With adoption loss you lose two people. Not only do you lose the baby, but you lose the friendship, love and relationship you have built with the birthmother.

3. God knows the end from the beginning and you will not miss out on your children.

These three points have helped me to validate that it is okay for me to grieve like I am. It also explains why I feel like I am missing more than just Tyler, I do really miss Lisa and I still love her even though she unintentionally hurt me. The third point is exactly what I needed to hear. I have been reading and searching and trying to figure out Heavenly Father's plan for this entire situation. But, what I most wanted to hear is that we didn't miss out on one of our children. This brings me so much comfort.

This woman who gave the talk ended up adopting three children and also had three failed placements. When their third child came they felt complete. Now that they are done building their family she says that looking back she knows she didn't miss out on her children (failed placements) and that she feels strongly that your children will come to you if they are supposed to be in your family. She said that God knows who is going to place for adoption and who is going to parent; therefore, you will not miss out on your children. This is what I needed to hear and it is what I am going to believe. I just can't think of it any other way.

I'm not sure if I believe that we are each given specific trials purposely. Nevertheless, everyone will experience trials and its finding strength to lean on Him that gets us through.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good Things to Come

This video truly touches my soul. I feel one of Christ's apostle's love pour out for me as he says, "Don't you Quit, you keep walking, you keep trying. Some blessings come soon, some come late, some come in heaven. It will be alright in the end."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Missing Piece

Tonight I just feel like there is a missing piece in our family. I used to feel very complete with just us three, but now I don't. My heart aches for him. I want assurance that he is okay and being loved. The not knowing is so hard.

Some how I have to move on. I'm not ready yet...but this is tearing me apart.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
-Psalms 30:5

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prayers for Tyler

Lisa's sister called me tonight. We love her so much. She is a fun person to talk to and has great family values. She tried to apologize for everything and I told her it was not her fault. In the end she was supportive of the adoption and we thank her for that.

She told me some sad news tonight. Lisa moved out of her house and is on her own for the first time with Tyler. Tyler ended up in the hospital. Lisa took him there because she said he was throwing up. She then asked the nurses if she could leave because she had something to do. The nurse told Lisa's sister that in 26 years she has never seen a parent leave her child in the ER. Tyler was very hungry when he arrived and had rashes up and down his legs. I think the hospital called CYFD. When Lisa was found by her sister she was with a boy on the floor in her new place. I guess this is what she needed to do that was so important instead of be with Tyler. Her sister thinks that Tyler will end up in foster care for a long, long time.

Lisa's sister kept referring to Tyler as "the baby". I asked if Lisa had changed his name since she is calling him "the baby". She said no. She left his name Tyler Lawrence and just changed his last name. I find that very interesting that she left Lawrence as that is Owen's middle name. I would have thought she would have changed that and possibly his first name. Lisa's sister said that she refers to Tyler as "my baby" instead of using his first name.

Life is not fair, and poor Tyler is starting out a very rough road ahead.

I think she told me all of this because she knew I would understand how she feels and was basically telling me that Tyler would be better in our home. But, I just want to know he is being loved and cared for. He's just a baby and deserves at least that.

If she is going to parent please, please love and take care of Tyler. Please pray for Tyler that he is loved, safe, and is being taken care of.

Adoption and Abortion

I loved this video. I love when she says "Being a parent is about putting your child first. I was enough, I was enough. But, when there was better, he had to have that. I had to give that to him."

This adoption story reminds me so much of Ryder's adoption story. Dar, chose more for Ryder and we knew her and her parents from long ago. It was an instant undescribable connection. We can never thank her and her parents more for giving us Ryder.